About eQueue Limited

Our focus is consulting in the health-insurance industry. Since 2002, we have done extensive research into the integration of the various services that affect the health and wellness of an organisation's employees. eQueue markets the WorkPulse products, who have developed an integrated Health and Wellness software solution to assist health professionals to manage the various aspects.

Experience and extensive research has taught us that when it comes to managing behavioural health care, solutions must be dynamic and all-embracing, and data must be completely integrated across all services. To this end, we understand that, across all aspects of daily business, vision and innovation combined with operational expertise are the keys to successfully achieving the complete picture of your employees.

The need for increasing productivity and transparency also lead to the development of an integrated attendance suite, i.e. a visitor management system (security at reception), an attendance monitoring / in-out board system, and an intuitive timesheet system.

By offering well-designed solutions that enhance productivity and prove Return on Investment, eQueue Limited prides itself on meeting the evolving needs of the marketplace.

We don't innovate to compete.

We innovate to change the rules of the game!

David O. Adeife