Visitor Sign-in System

HereToSee is an electronic Visitor Management System, which is installed at one or more reception desks of the organisation.
Why should you use HereToSee to manage your onsite visitors?
Visitors see these Features
Individuals, Groups or pre-registered the visitors
Select from various types of sign-in options
Visitor Details
The details of the visitor(s) are entered into the system (configurable fields)
Staff search
(search results with either photo or list)
Equipment register
Optionally capture details of items that visitor takes on site
Indemnity declaration
for Health and Safety
Label Printing
The layout of the label and information printed is customisable
Visitor sign-out
with predictive typing / bar-code scanner
Background Features
Import from Active directory / CSV or input names individually
Staff details can either be imported from the AD, from a pre-defined text file format or be individually edited
Multiple Reports
Various standard reports have been included to improve the customer experience
Customised look-and-feel
The system administrator can change information required, colour schemes, logos, etc.
If the organisation chooses to use a bar-code system, HereToSee can sign the visitor out by simply scanning the bar-code on the label, which can also be used for repeat sign-ins
Integrate visitor information into other applications
A text file with the visitor's details is created for integration with other existing applications such as Time and Attendance systems
Staff notification by email
Once the visitor has signed in, the host will be notified by email that the visitor has arrived (requires network connection and Exchange Server)
Emergency management
The complete list of signed-in visitors can be emailed to up to 20 email addresses, at any time, from any workstation
Multi-lingual (optional)
If required, multiple languages can be set up for visitors to choose from
Touch-screen enabled
HereToSee can be used on either a standard workstation or on a touch-screen.
Example of Visitor Interface
Who is the visitor?

Who is being visited?

Read the indemnity

View the visitors
What reports are available?